Sunday, December 9, 2007

Foxes in the Henhouse

- How the Republicans stole the South and the Heartland and What the Democrats Must do to run 'em out -

Steve Harking and Dave Saunders

a good practical book. We have had Representatives who weren't Representatives and who were bent on pillaging the public purse. And we have been witness of one of the great transfers of public wealth to private bank accounts. We have watched a rich man's son drive the country into a wall. All we have to work with initially are our weak kneed Democrats. We must start somewhere. One of the things they suggest is that there was a time when Democrat meant a positive problem solver. If the party can find itself and its self esteem, then maybe ... . Of course the Republicans have had the same problem with their Representatives as have the Democrats. We have that in common. Maybe we have more things in common. A nuts and bolts book. Well worth reading.